Pimm Creations — Ecofriendly artwork and home decor items by Bobbie Ann Pimm
Originally, I called my website Art from a Dreamer as I was only painting acrylic abstract artwork. However, I have since started to upcycle bottles and vases into lamps and other home decor items. So, I opened an etsy shop called PimmCreations.
Please visit my EtsyShop to purchase or see more details about my ecofriendly abstract artwork and my lamps, nightlights and vases created from upcycled bottles.
Items shown here are only a sample of what is available. All purchases can be made at my etsy shop.
You can learn more about me on the About Me page. I also blog about my processes and techniques. For instance you can learn about one of my ecofriendly processes, which I call ‘waste not, want not‘ which I used to create two of my paintings.